法提赫出生并成长于土耳其沿海城市伊兹密尔,这座城市和他一样,性格沉稳。而库姆鲁则是一位雄心勃勃、事业有成的年轻律师,在喧嚣的伊斯坦布尔长大。随着事件的展开,库姆鲁发现自己身处伊兹密尔,正在处理一桩备受瞩目的离婚案,这桩案子将决定她的职业生涯成败,而她也突然与法提赫相遇。随着离婚案的升温,这两个性格迥异的人只有 8 个小时的时间来收集对出轨配偶的证据,同时还要开着一辆车在伊兹密尔街头疾驰。他们的计划和生活将以他们从未预料到的方式发生改变。

2025-01-17 00:39:13
39 Derecede Aşk
Fatih was born and raised in Izmir, one of Turkiye's coastal cities, which, like him, has a calm character. Kumru, on the other hand, is an ambitious and successful young lawyer who grew up in the hustle of Istanbul. As events unfold, Kumru finds herself in Izmir, dealing with a high-profile divorce case that will make or break her career, and she suddenly crosses paths with Fatih. As the divorce case heats up, these two contrasting characters have only 8 hours to gather evidence against the cheating spouse,while huo87.com racing around the streets of Izmir in a single car.